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Are Your Ducts Making You Sick?

If you have a heating or cooling systems that uses air ducts, you could have a problem.

Did you know that your air ducts could be making you sick? It’s true! Dust, dirt, and other allergens can accumulate in your air ducts over time, and this can cause all types of health problems.

Think of your air ducts as your home’s lungs. They take in the air around them and circulate that same air back into your home. We then inhale that air into our own lungs. Unfortunately, when your air ducts are circulating dirty air, that means you’re inhaling it. Indoor air is often more polluted than the air outdoors, and it can cause serious problems for many people, especially those with allergies and asthma.

In homes with dirty air ducts, occupants may experience symptoms that are similar to the symptoms of allergies, including coughing, sneezing, and runny nose. Mold, dust and other contaminants lurking in your ducts could also cause sore throat, headaches and even dizziness

There are many duct systems that are poorly designed and installed that have the ability to bring pollutants into your home.

Some are ducts are located in wet or damp crawl spaces and basements.

I’ve seen some of these areas and some look like an open sewer.

Having ducts that are not properly sealed or insulated in these locations can draw moisture, mold, bacteria and even carbon monoxide into the building.

Unsealed ducts have the same effect as opening a hatch to these areas, the only difference is that you don’t see it and the fan from the heating or cooling appliance will force more of the pollutants into the living space at a much higher rate.

Ducts located in attics can bring in cold dry air in winter, and hot, humid air in summer, dust, dirt and fibers from the fiberglass insulation that is there to keep your house warm in the winter and cool in the summer.

It doesn’t have to be this way.

What Can You Do to Improve Your Indoor Air Quality?

Fortunately, you and your family don’t have to live with the symptoms of dirty air ducts. There are several things you can do to help keep the ducts in your home clean and enjoy breathing fresh, clean air.

  • Have your air ducts cleaned by a professional annually
  • Replace your air filters as recommended by the manufacturer of your HVAC system
  • Make sure your vacuum cleaner has a HEPA filter, and vacuum regularly to remove dirt and dust
  • Replace carpet with hard floors
  • Take off your shoes when entering your home to avoid tracking in outdoor allergens

Your quality of air is very important, and you spend a lot of time inside your home. Take care of your air quality and your lungs.

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