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Unclog Those Pores – Oily Skin Care

Okay, so we all have sebaceous glands but seemingly your sebaceous glands (the oil glands of the skin) work harder than you want them to. Oily skin might have its own advantages like aging slower than dry skins and looks more supple – but, hey, that’s too good to be true. Oily skin is most prone to attracting air borne dirt and bacteria that causes acne. Especially in the adolescent years in which a surge of sex hormones (called androgens) are most active making the sebaceous gland excrete more oil – making it a stringent time for oily skin care.

Sebum (oil) is not at all damaging, however, in fact they act as the skins defenses by lubricating the skin and shed out dead skin cells from the skin’s hair follicle walls. The oily skin care to have a smooth, blemish free skin is to keep the pores unclogged and from forming acne. You can start with inexpensive oily skin care (some commercial products actually do more damage than cure). Harsh measures such as the use of toners, cleansers, and scrubbing grains don’t usually do the trick. The point is not to dry up your oily skin as this stimulates the glands to produce more oil instead.

Oily skin care tips

Ironically, oily skin can also be sensitive and washing with harsh cleansers often causes irritation and inflammations. Begin by washing with lukewarm water, a mild cleanser, and then rinse off with cool water. If you can do away with makeup, non oil-based cosmetics lessen the incidence of breakouts and other blemishes. A golden rule especially in oily skin care: never sleep with you makeup on and save the cold creams for your dry-skinned friend. Makeup and creams clog pores and leave a greasy film on the skin aggravating the cause of inflammations in the first place. Eat a diet rich in Vit. C or apply fruit acids on your skin. Fruit acids remove the top dead layer of the skin while maintaining the skin’s natural moisture.

Also, there are medications available commercially for oily skin care. Benzoyl Peroxide gets rid of bacteria and recent studies note it also peels off dead skin cells right where acne begins – in the hair follicles. In addition to oily skin care tips, sulfur, resorcinol, and salicylic acids help in the healing of blemishes while the latter is an agent known to be effective on blackheads.

Aromatherapy oils also do wonders for oily skin care. You can include in your selection oils from cedarwood, clary sage, geranium, lavender, sandalwood, tea tree, ylang-ylang, grapeseed oil, and jojoba oil have substances that heal and prevent inflammations.

Lastly, sweat is known as a natural cleanser. Aside from the benefits it provides to your overall well-being it’s a great oily skin care regimen. So make it a habit and sweat it out.

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