Nail fungus treatment is very important. The sooner you begin treatment the better. If left untreated, nail fungus can become very painful and unsightly. Unfortunately many people ignore nail fungus until the symptoms worsen.
It is estimated that three to five percent of the population suffer from nail fungus. Most often, nail fungus appears in the toenails. This is because socks and shoes keep the toenails dark, warm, and moist. This is a perfect place for the fungus to grow.
Before discussing the best nail fungus treatment, we will go over what nail fungus is, and how to prevent it.
What is nail fungus
Nail fungus (also called onychomycosis) is made up of very small organisms that can infect fingernails and toenails. These organisms are called dermatophytes. Fungi are parasitic plant organisms, such as molds and mildew. These parasitic organisms lack chlorophyll and therefore do not require sunlight for growth. Nail fungus is very common. More than 35 million people in the US have it under their nails.
Once the nail fungus moves in under the nail, it is difficult to reach and stop. The nail provides a safe place for the fungus and protects it while it grows. This is why basic prevention is so important.
Nail fungus can sometimes spread from one person to another. These organisms can live where the air is often moist and people’s feet are bare. Common places that fungus can spread include: shower stalls, bathrooms, or locker rooms. It can also be passed along when you share a nail file or clippers with someone who has a nail fungus infection. Nail fungus may also spread from one of your nails to others.
What causes nail fungus
The fungal organisms that cause nail infections are present almost everywhere. Once they get under the nail bed they can be difficult to cure. Anything that damages a nail can make it easier for the fungus to move in. Examples include an injury to the nail such as getting a finger stuck in a door, or tight shoes that pinch the toes.
A weakened immune system can also make it easier for a fungal infection to start. Many medical professionals believe that having a strong immune system is essential for preventing fungus infections.
Nail fungus prevention
By following common sense precautions, including proper hygiene and regular inspection of the feet and toes, the chances of the problem occurring can be sharply reduced, or halted.
Tips to avoid nail fungus:
-Wash your feet regularly with soap and water.
-Remember to dry your feet thoroughly after washing.
-Properly fitted shoes are essential