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Snoring and You

It’s midnight. You’re being kept awake by a loved one’s snoring. Do you ever worry about their health? Everyone knows that snoring is a nuisance at night, but did you know that there are health risks associated with it?

Snoring is much more than an annoyance that keeps people awake at night. It is important for you (or the loved one) to learn to recognize whether or not there is a serious problem behind the snoring.
In understanding the reasons for the snoring and what it may or may not represent, you can take steps to improve your health, not to mention give everyone in the house a peaceful night’s sleep.
The number of people that actually snore is astounding. It is said that one out of every three people in the world actually snore during some point in the night.

How does snoring work, exactly? As you sleep, your throat and the muscles in your mouth relax. This includes your soft palate and the tongue. As air moves past this relaxed tissue, the tissue will vibrate with each breath. This results in snoring. The less tense the tissue actually becomes, the louder a person snores.
Snoring can occur due to many different causes. Those with an extended uvula or naturally larger tonsils and adenoids are likely to snore. A deviated or crooked septum in the nose, minor illnesses that cause congestion, even obesity and the use of alcohol can play significant rolls in whether or not a person will snore.

While these all sound like serious dilemmas, there are more serious health problems associated with snoring. Sleep apnea is likely to create an individual that snores habitually. Sleep apnea creates an obstruction in the throat that is so great, it actually causes the sleeper to stop breathing. On instinct, when someone cannot breathe during sleep, they wake up to get the air they require. These breaks in sleep can lead to a significant health problem.

And snoring is not just a problem for adults. Children snore as well, which means that parents should be concerned about the well-being of their child if he or she habitually snores. If your child is easily distracted or seems tired all the time, sleep apnea may be a factor. Checking with your child’s physician is crucial.
Individuals who snore habitually should see their physician, as their doctor can help them find solutions to this noisy problem. Over time, snoring can lead to other diseases, such as diabetes, increased blood pressure, heart trouble, and in the most severe of cases, death.

If you or a loved one snore, a trip to the doctor may be very necessary. You’ll be healthier and the entire family will thank you for the peace and quiet they get throughout the night.

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