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Birth Control 101

Sex is a natural part of life, but we need to take caution when taking part as it can come with risks such as STDS’s and of course, pregnancy.

Taking the proper precautions are crucial for anyone no matter what age they are. It should be talked about openly and freely so there is awareness and so people know what proper steps to take.

What is contraception and how does birth control work?

Birth control is a set of actions, devices, medications used for the sole purpose of preventing conception or pregnancy. It works in three ways:

1. It prevents the monthly release of an egg cell (ovum) from the ovaries during menstruation.
2. It thickens the cervical mucus lining so that sperm cells would not be able to swim and join with an ovum.
3. It changes lining of the uterus to make implantation of a fertilized egg difficult.

The barrier method of contraception includes:

  • Male condom
  • Female condom
  • Cervical cap
  • Diaphragm

The hormonal birth control method includes:

1. Oral contraceptive pills. These are pills that contain synthetic versions of the female hormones estrogen and progesterone which aim to normalize a woman’s hormone level to prevent ovulation.

2. Injectables. It is a progestin-only solution that is injected to prevent ovulation for three months.

3. Hormonal patches. It is a thin, 2in by 2 in patch that slowly releases hormones into the body within the span of a week before it is replaced.

4. Birth control implants. It is a thin flexible plastic rod to be inserted under the skin of the upper arm of the woman to slowly release synthetic hormones into the body within the span of a year before it is replaced.

5. The intra-uterine device (IUD) is a T-shaped rod placed inside the uterus to created a localized inflammation so that the bodies auto-immune system will create white blood cells to repair the infection and in turn kill sperm cells that get within the vicinity of the inflammation.

Choosing the best birth control method to use is a serious matter. Consult your doctor to know more about the different risks and benefits of these contraceptive methods before picking one to use.

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