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Journaling for Health: Five Techniques for Wellness

Journaling is an effective way of releasing our emotions, easing our stress and feeling over all relaxed. Writing down our thoughts, emotions, plans, achievements (and much more) is a great form of expression.

Here are 5 great techniques to journal for your wellness.

1. Write about how you feel about everyday events; writing about the events is fine, but be sure to include the feelings. The goal is to get the intense emotions on paper and out of your body/mind.

2. Write about the issues that are most impacting your life today, particularly any health concerns.

3. Make a list of everything causing you stress—which can lead to ill-health, then note what you can (or cannot) do about each item.

4. If you can’t get an event out of your mind—like an unpleasant conversation with a co-worker—write what you wish the conversation had unfolded, in dialogue form.

5. Create a mantra or positive affirmation, then journal ways to fulfill the affirmation. An example of a mantra might be: “I am safe, my life is filled with peace.”

Finally, re-read your journals on a consistent basis, looking for self-defeating or negative patterns.

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