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12 Ways To Be Healthier

Want to lose weight, sleep better and boost your immune system?

Here are 12 ways to become a healthier you:

1.Prioritize sleep 

Going without sleep is a lot like expecting your phone to run all day on a 12% battery. Your body needs time to not just rest and recharge, but also to do important work like learn new things and solidify memories.  Adults should get at least seven hours of shut-eye each night. If this is a challenge for you, turn to your circadian rhythm. This is your body’s natural process that should help you fall asleep, stay asleep and wake up feeling refreshed.

2. Drink more water 

This is one of those areas where it’s easy to see how healthy habits help. Since we’re mostly water, it makes sense that we would need to continually replenish our body’s supply. Getting enough water helps your body flush waste and keeps your joints lubricated, while acting as a shock absorber for your spine and helping your digestive processes.

To build healthy habits around water, start carrying a reusable water bottle with you. Whenever you’re bored, take a sip. Your body will thank you.

3. Read for 30 minutes 

Feeling stressed? Crack open a book. One study found that a half hour of reading can have the same stress-busting effect as known sources of calm, like yoga and humor.

Reading also does a lot for your brain, strengthening connections there. That study showed that diving into a book has both short and long-term benefits for your brain health. So to maintain the boost, make reading one of your daily habits When you do, you’ll also be actively working to fight cognitive decline as you age.

4. Put your fork down

Put your fork down between every mouthful of food, it makes you chew your food properly, preventing digestive problems, and also prevents you from over- eating.

5. Make a list

The most effective stress buster is to make a list. Your short term memory can only remember, on an average, seven things. So when you overload it , your stress level escalate. Making a list clears out all the stress from your brain you feel tension free. This saves you from headaches, depression and high blood pressure.

6. Massage your feet

Poor circulation could be robbing you of much needed sleep. Your temperature needs to drop slightly before you fall asleep, so your body dispels heat via your face, hands and feet. But many women have poor circulation, which constricts the blood vessels in their hands and feet and prevents them from dispelling heat. A hot bath before sleeping or a hand and foot massage will increase your circulation.

7. Quit smoking 

Smoking is bad for your heart and lungs, and it’s also bad for your longevity. Long story short, if you want to live a longer, healthier life, kick the habit.

As you’re figuring out how to be healthier, don’t turn to vaping. It might be less harmful, but it’s just as addictive and still comes with health risks.

Smoking is one of the hardest daily habits to ditch. The CDC and the American Lung Association have resources to help.

8. Reduce Sitting and Screen Time

Exercise can’t immunize you from your sedentary time. Even people who exercise regularly could be at increased risk for diabetes and heart disease and stroke if they spend lots of time sitting behind computers. Practically speaking, you could consider taking breaks from sedentary time, such as walking around the office/room a couple of times in a day

9. Go Easy on Alcohol

Drinking alcohol in excess is very harsh on our bodies, especially out liver.  Don’t forget that those alcohol calories can add up quickly. Alcohol should always be consumed in moderation.

10. Stop skipping meals

Eating three meals a day is very important for a healthy body. It’s the simplest way to balance blood sugar levels, which will keep your mood, energy and concentration balanced and strengthen your stress tolerance.

11. Keep it crunchy

Include some raw vegetables in every meal. Many of the vitamins and minerals are in vegetables are lost through cooking, so raw food is as good as it gets.

12. Focus on your feeling

Take two minutes to boost your resolve to do walk, jog or aerobics class. The instant gratification of that exercise high is far more motivating than the promise of thinner thighs two months down the line.


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