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Natural Herbal Menopause Treatment

If you’re a woman, you are familiar with what may come with Menopause.
Menopause is the time in a woman’s life when her period stops. It usually occurs naturally, most often after age 45. Menopause happens because the woman’s ovaries stop producing the hormones estrogen and progesterone.

Someone going through menopause will experience:

  • Irregular periods and ceasing of menstrual cycle
  • Vaginal dryness
  • Hot flashes
  • Chills
  • Night sweats
  • Sleep problems
  • Mood changes
  • Weight gain and slowed metabolism

We have heard about the hormone replacement therapy or HRT as it is continually accepted in society as a perimenopausal treatment. However, many women still choose not to undertake this method as a treatment in the first place. Most of the women rather preferred on trying some herbal menopause treatment, which greatly appear to them as softer options.

The herbal menopause treatment has considerably a long history of usage and often clinically the only interference needed. The use of the herbal menopause treatment has been continually increasing due to the reason that most naturopaths and herbalists greatly prescribed herbal menopause treatments rather than HRT. As such, many herbs and supplements are now applied to administer the switch from the reproductive to the post-reproductive phase of the women’s life.

Due to the great appreciation of the herbal menopause treatments, a number of simple herbal formulations which generally suggested as a starting point for most women are now available and lining on the shelves of several health food outlets anywhere in the world.

St. John’s Wort is considered as the best herbal menopause treatment since the early days. This herb has been applied traditionally for the treatment of mood disturbance and anxiety especially during the menopausal periods. Notably, numerous clinical studies have supported this claim and have demonstrated the efficacy of this herb in cases of mild to moderate depression. And so far, there is still no known side effect for this herbal menopause treatment.

Black cohosh has been demonstrated that it has an oestrogenic effect. And just like St. John’s Wort, there is also no know side effect for the use of this herbal menopause treatment, however, the British Herbal Compendium recommends that the treatment for menopause by this herb must not exceed six months and that this herb should be avoided during pregnancy and lactation phases.

Ground ginseng root: Most commonly consumed as a tea or capsule- it’s readily available in most drugstores, some supermarkets, and online. Ginseng has been used as a sedative in Asian countries for centuries. While there’s no evidence that ginseng can treat hot flashes, the soothing effects of ginseng have been found to improve the quality and duration of your sleep.

Soy: A simple change up of your diet to include more soy products may ease your menopause symptoms. Soy contains a plant-based estrogen called isoflavones, so it can help you adjust to the smaller amounts of estrogen that your body is now producing. Hot flashes, night sweats, and even vaginal dryness may be improved. Soybeans, edamame, tofu, and soy milk are the most direct ways to incorporate more soy in your diet. You can also purchase soybean extract to use for your symptoms.

Vitamin D: When your ovaries stop producing estrogen, you’re at higher risk for possibly developing osteoporosis. Taking a vitamin D supplement might not improve hot flashes or vaginal dryness, but it will help make your bones stronger. Vitamin D can also work to boost your mood, which can help your self-perception and stabilize your emotions.

Be aware of any potential interactions of herbal supplements before you try any remedy and of course always consult your doctor before beginning anything new, especially if you are already on any medication. Soy products in particular can interact with antidepressants and synthetic estrogen, and may increase your risk of other health conditions. Ginseng can actually cause insomnia and headaches if you take too much of it.

When trying natural remedies for your symptoms, try one at a time.
Don’t overwhelm your body when it’s already adjusting to a new normal balance of hormones

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