A raw food diet is just that, eating your food uncooked. Believe it or not there are many people throughout the world who live on a raw food diet. Because of the socialization of some of us we may find this fact a little repulsive when we think about it, but it’s true. We can look into every culture and find the consumption of some type of raw food within it. Many Asian cultures, for example, consume raw fish along with raw vegetables with their meals. In the western parts of the world those who maintain a raw food diet are known as foodists.
A raw food diet will increase one’s energy. Often, when we cook food, many of the vitamins and nutrients that give us energy are lost in the cooking process, not to forget that whenever we cook food, major chemical changes take place in the food. What often happens is that the good stuff is cooked out and is replaced by toxins. Upon consuming the cooked food the immune system then produces more white blood cells to fight off these toxins. The end result is a weakening of the immune system because it is working over-time to rid the body of invaders. Moreover, because the body is doing more work to process cooked foods, there is a loss of essential energy.
Eating raw foods can help reduce and even eliminate diseases and illnesses. In the eating of raw foods the vitamins and nutrients in those foods are left intact and are not lost or converted into toxins. The body can then use these vitamins and nutrients more efficiently and effectively to combat diseases and illnesses. And this is another reason why those who eat raw foods have more energy. It’s because the body does not have to work as hard to process the raw foods into a usable resource.
Many people who eat raw foods are also able to maintain a more normal and balanced body weight. Often when we cook foods we use cooking oils, lard or butter. The body has a very difficult time breaking these fats down and rather than waste energy the body will store them within itself. After a period of time these fats build up, thus adding weight to the body. Not only does fat affect the shape of the body, but it also causes the body to burn more energy to move about because of the extra weight.
There are a large number of diet plans and weight loss programs that suggest the consumption of raw foods. Eating raw foods is believed to be healthier because the enzymes in those foods are not lost as they are if they were cooked. Enzymes break down macromolecules into smaller building blocks the body uses to grow and maintain itself. Enzymes also help the body with basic house cleaning and the elimination of toxins.
Moreover, when we eat cooked foods the stomach produces more acid than if we to eat raw foods. The acid that is generated by the stomach to break down cooked foods can create indigestion, heart burn, and other unpleasant stomach problems. With a raw food diet the generation of stomach acid is greatly reduced and even nearly non-existent. Because of the reduction of stomach acids the digestive system functions much better. A raw food diet can certainly be an advantage for those who do suffer from stomach or digestive issues.
Raw food diets have also been shown to reduce the risks of circulatory and heart disease. As we have mentioned before, the vitamins and nutrients are not cooked out raw foods. These vitamins and nutrients are what help the body fight cancerous type cells. Additionally, many raw foods, like some vegetables for example, help dilate blood vessels so the blood flows more easily throughout the body. Again, it not only becomes an issue of health, but an issue of energy as well. It takes energy to pump blood through the body. The harder it becomes the more energy the body must expend to get blood to where it needs to be.